Safe Wind-Aware Navigation for Collaborative Autonomous Aircraft in Low Altitude Airspace

(joint work with Drs. Kamalapurkar, Jacob, Kara, Vance and Fala at OSU)

  • Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) technologies found many civil, commercial, and military applications.
  • Infrastructure, such as NASA UAS traffic management (UTM) for low-altitude airspace management and monitoring, is being developed.
  • Safety and efficiency of sUAS operations are strongly impacted by low-altitude gusts:
    • Negatively affect pilot operations, reduced flight time, damage
    • Airspace management and allocation made conservative and inefficient.

Our Hypothesis

‘In-time’ or ‘real-time’ wind field information, communicated effectively to pilots and traffic management, can enhance safety, efficiency, and robustness of future sUAS operations in low-altitude airspace.

Proposed Concept of Operation

Integration diagram

Yearly posters

2022 Poster

2023 Poster

2022 Poster

2021 Poster

2020 Poster

Relevant Publications


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    In 104th AMS Annual Meeting 2024
  2. Comparison of Nonlinear Filters for Quadcopter Wind Estimation
    Chen, Hao, Revard, Braydon, Bai, He, and Jacob, Jamey D
    In AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum 2024


  1. Wind Field Estimation Using Multiple Quadcopters
    Chen, Hao, Bai, He, and Taylor, Clark N
    IFAC-PapersOnLine 2023
  2. A Study on Workload Assessment and Usability of Wind-Aware User Interface for Small Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Operations
    Tabassum, Asma, Bai, He, and Fala, Nicoletta
    In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2023
  3. Data-Driven Koopman-based Modeling and Control of Quadcopter in a Turbulent Wind Field
    Tabassum, Asma, and Bai, He
    In 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) 2023
  4. Dynamic covariance prediction using variational Wishart processes with uncertain inputs
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    In 2023 American Control Conference (ACC) 2023
  5. Parametrized input inference for approximate stochastic optimal control
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    In 2023 American Control Conference (ACC) 2023


  1. Invariant-EKF Design for Quadcopter Wind Estimation
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    In American Control Conference 2022


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    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2021
  2. Variance Reduction of Quadcopter Trajectory Tracking in Turbulent Wind
    Tabassum, Asma, Vuppala, Rohit KSS, Bai, He, and Kara, Kursat
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  3. Model-based and model-free designs for an extended continuous-time LQR with exogenous inputs
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  4. Extended invariant-EKF designs for state and additive disturbance estimation
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